Ptah, looking down at the Terracotta Army below.


Ptah. A Protector.

Vision, looking at Ptah, a Protector, sitting on a white horse looking down at the Terracotta Army below. Ptah wearing the Knights Templars tunic.

May 2015 – Suryananda.

I set off again on a pre-intent meditation to go within the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza, once again travelling in my double sided golden pyramid. Upon arriving, Anubis greeted me once again clothed in his beautiful golden cloak, thus was the scene set once more. I listened to the Source Codes (now called The Yeshua Codes).

Very soon I was looking at Ptah, a Protector, as are other beings of Light. Ptah was sitting on a beautiful white horse up higher from where I was observing amongst green hills with mountains behind. It was a beautiful sighting and feeling to this scene. I knew immediately I was seeing Ptah. He had yellow hair, very golden, which went right down to his waist (this was a first for me to see such a Lighted being with hair down to his waist) and Ptah had the tunic on of the Knights Templars, the Red Cross on the White Background. It was a deeply moving and profound scene and my heart and soul absorbed this. Ptah just remained where he was on his white horse, not moving, but just looking down, as described below.
Then all of a sudden I was looking at the Terracotta Army. There were very many of these soldiers as has been found of them. Then I heard and saw this Terracotta Army march, I listened with fascination to their marching footsteps alongside their voices speaking as takes place as an army would proceed in their role undertaken. As I continued to see and absorb, going back not only to Ptah on his white horse with the hills and mountains there, with his Knights Templars tunic on, but this Terracotta Army suddenly ceased their loud marchings. All was quiet. It was fascinating, that after seeing these Terracotta Army soldiers talking as do soldiers and hearing the sounds of hundreds or even thousands march, all became quiet. Then these soldiers began to march and talk again, and these sounds were heard easily as I continued to look at both Ptah and these Terracotta Army soldiers as they marched and the sounds that were being made. They ceased marching and became completely quiet for several times, I would say a good three times of marching and three times of complete silence, I seemed right there, so close to them, just a little above this scene taking place but not as high up as was Ptah. It is said as is well known, that the Terracotta Army soldiers were made to be of assistance in the after life to Qin Shi Huang, who came to the throne at a very young age and added  an additional name to his birth name to take into account his new role as the First Emperor of China.
These two scenes have come into my memory quite a few times since last year. Ptah, known not only as an Egyptian deity, as a Protector, but also as Ptah, The El Daoud of Atlantis, is also a beloved of my soul as those deep bonds of love and one-ness go back to my origins and ancient days. Being a Protector is fascinating on so many levels. A Protector will go into very dangerous situations, worlds and galaxies to Protect as their Light and Power on behalf of the Light, protects and sustains as had been pre-planned and foretold.
The Knights Templars have long fascinated me on many levels. 25 years ago in a dream I was given a name which had Knight Templar after this, and I always knew this was very meaningful to my soul, and had trained myself to remember this name, and although I won’t say what the name was of this Knight Templar, it is not a Knight Templar who has been written about, so he (I) exist as being in my heart and soul’s memory and those with whom I shared that deep and profound life. I was given last year the date of 1270 being very significant, and upon checking this out, this was the beginning of the Eighth Crusade which was very short, and is often said that the Ninth Crusade was counted also. I am not unaware of the fact also that I could have been a Terracotta Army soldier. The Ninth Crusade began in 1271 to 1272.
I made a note for my information under Google, that the First Emperor of a Unified China was known as Qin Shi Huang. I also wonder IF Qin Shi Huang was an embodiment of Ptah, who was also a later embodiment or incarnation of God The Son, who as has happened as we have all taken on innumerable Earth life times through so many aeons, we all have had many names, living in different countries and eras, and although often not remembered, different worlds and Star systems also. Today, more memories are returning to our awareness of being a multi-dimensional being, able to travel to other worlds and galaxies Star systems, or a parallel world, and even begin our work into a Future World, or Worlds.
This meditation – vision session lasted for about 30 minutes whilst sitting in my armchair with my eyes closed. After this time I felt that I had seen all that was going to be shared with me thus I returned back in my golden pyramid, as I left the King’s Chamber within the Great Pyramid, I said goodbye to dear Anubis. Although this particular experience took place outside, nevertheless, it felt important to begin and end from the King’s Chamber, which I did.
Ptah is but one of several Protectors, as are also Archangel Michael and his Earth Eagles, and other Lighted beings, some in the Higher Worlds, others who reside upon Earth, and with whom I am blessed and humbled through the centuries and to the present, that they are a part of my daily life, as they have been through the aeons since my origin from Divine Paradise with Saranyu.
I have seen in meditations over the last year and heard soldiers marching and the sounds and vibrations of a few ancient battlefields, where I know I have been a part of, and as I have, becoming aware of those deeply profound memories, these have given way to further soul memories, as like us all, we tune into past life happenings which are deeply embedded in our soul’s Akashic Records, the Akashic Records which not only show individually our own journeys from Source from millions of years ago, but the Akashic Records of All of Creation – of all that Has Been and Will be. I have been deeply  fascinated with the Akashic Records for over 30 years in being able to tune into those deep Mysteries and Truth and Knowledge, and which are accessible to all of us. ( I have had many such readings, mainly by one spiritual channeller, but one with another teacher over twenty years ago, but which still have deep and profound meanings, where they have acted as a teaching platform for me).
Suryananda with Saranyu and Ptah, Beloved of my soul.
May 2015.
Below this picture, I am sharing a few words I wrote on Ptah back in 1989. Since then I have seen Ptah often in dream experiences and in different realities, thus has our deep love and connection from Source only continued.
PTAH FROM Ian second copy
Ptah, an original picture of mine commissioned by me, based on Ptah, The El Daoud of Atlantis, but with the Sun added as are other symbols here.
Written 1989 by Suryananda.

There he stands in all his glory, filled with majesty and splendour. His light shines so bright – it fills me with delight. From a vast distance he beckons, my soul says yes to all that he asks. One day when I reach the other side of life, after a while, having seen family and loved ones, there will come a time I know when I will feel a sense of loss, if he is not there. I know he could see me, albeit for a brief moment in time, but until I have arrived at that place wherein he resides, my goal will be still a long way off and that dream but a speck – for where he waits is the Kingdom of Heaven, that doorway to Eternity which when I reach, so will I know him more, but in the meantime, my soul waits, listens and adores that beauty and light, which without there would always be night.
To see but once is not enough, but then perhaps I meet him in those dream states, when yes, that memory is revived of those long ago days in the very beginning of time, which my soul searches once more to find, and so there he stands like a signpost showing me the way, for I have no other option than to follow wherever he leads, for that is the key to Paradise and fulfilment of all my dreams.
I have spoken so often I know to that love of my life, and indeed shared many memories of far off days when the world was different to today. Indeed he was a Father to my youth, an inspiration to my innocence, the be and end of all things resided in his very presence, so is it any wonder my soul will never be able to rest completely till that time comes when once more he and I are one, just as we were in the Beginning of Time.






5 thoughts on “Ptah, looking down at the Terracotta Army below.

  1. Thanks for sharing, dear Suryananda.

    If I understand correctly, there would be a connection –and a Divine protection, moving forward– between Ptah, the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Knights Templars.

    The connection between Ptah and the Knights Templars is the most intriguing to me, and honestly, 1270 and the 8th or 9th crusade do not ring a bell.

    Rather, 1146 does, the year when Bernard of Clairvaux preached in favor of the 2nd crusade on the square in front of the church of Vezelay; a crusade which turned out to be a failure 🙂

    Details: “March 31, 1146: St. Bernard or Clairvaux preaches the merits and necessity of the Second Crusade at Vézelay. Bernard writes in a letter to the Templars: “The Christian who slays the unbeliever in the Holy War is sure of his reward, the more sure if he himself is slain.The Christian glories in the death of the pagan, because Christ is thereby glorified.” King Louis VII of France is particularly taken by Bernard’s preaching and is among the first to agree to go, along with his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine.”

    Interestingly enough, and not so coincidentally, the Terra Cotta Warriors from Xian are coming to Seattle in April; there will be an exhibit at the Pacific Science Center, which we will most likely visit.

    Love & much Light, dear Sister ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Victa. Thank you for your comments here. First, yes, I had never put the Terracotta Army and Ptah together. However when I reflect upon the innumerable lives which Ptah could have brought to my attention in these visions, then as always is the case, nothing is shown without purpose. When I researched last year The Terracotta Army after this profound experience, I found that they were built by the FIRST EMPEROR OF CHINA to Guard him in the Afterlife. The name of the First Emperor of China was QIN SHI HUANGDI.

    My feelings are that the First Emperor of China and Ptah are one and the same, different incarnations or embodiments. Ptah is very deeply connected with me as he is many others here, so I feel he and Ptah are the same being, hence Ptah looking down over to the Terracotta Army far below from his Role as a Protector from the Higher Realms, makes perfect sense to me. ♥

    I agree with you the strong and deep links with Ptah, The Terracotta Army and The Knights Templars. The Knights Templars were around over several hundred years, and it could even be that you and I, Victa, had more than one life as a Knight Templar over the several hundred years they were known to exist. And of course, being connected to The Holy Grail, again, both you and myself as others here, have in the past, searched and found The Holy Grail whether on Gaia or elsewhere. My Light Family have said that The Holy Grail has been found by me in the past, and like you and so many of us, The Grail is an endless fascination and a treasured and searched for Sacred Relic as it were, being much more than has been written about.

    Suryananda, with love. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks dear Suryananda,

      All of what you said makes sense, and I can imagine quite a few of us having a connection with Ptah. And I expect more to be revealed in the future, near of far!

      As to the Knights Templars, I don’t seem to have had a direct connection with them, except possibly as Bernard de Clairvaux.

      I know there are / were Templars all over the world, possibly going with Christopher Columbus on the other side of the Atlantic, but the French Order didn’t last very long. From 1119 when it was founded in Palestine until 1314, when the last of his grand masters, Jacques de Molay, was burned in Paris.

      Yet, I assume their influence is still being felt today, in many places.

      Love & much Light, dear Sister


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