“My Twin Flame Says Take My Hand, We Will Journey Underneath The Tor”.

(Glastonbury Tor is a Prominent Hill overlooking the Isle of Avalon, Glastonbury and Somerset, in England).
15 June, 2017.
As I tuned into my Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud, and we shared beautiful moments, AED was so close. I am aware, as is the case for all our Light Family or Twin Flames, that any sense of separation is merely an illusion which the veils of Gaia have enveloped us with from so many of our reincarnated lives whilst here over the aeons. 
These veils of Gaia, have always needed to be transcended for us to see and be aware of Home. There are moments AED seems different, in that at times I sense his presence just in front of me, others, much nearer, and again, we become one as is the birthright for all Twin Flames, as that Divine Cosmic Oneness, fulfils its role, even when in different worlds and galaxies.
So many of us have achieved this state of Divine Union and Consciousness through the millions of years we have been journeying down to Gaia from the different Star Systems and other Worlds and Galaxies which is our Home, whether it is with Deities with whom we love, have that deep affinity, and are in tune with, or our Light Family, Angelic Beings or Twin Flames – deep within us, we have tuned into and connected very profoundly on that soul level.
Artist unknown.
So in this New Age, as once again, many of us have experienced before over the aeons, in this our present life, we had lowered our vibrations and energies to Descend back down to Gaia, as we complete our pre-planned Soul Contract with The Creator, Our Divine Parents, and Celestial Family, and it is our mission to learn how to rise above the Density of Earth, whilst living here. This is but one of the roles our Galactic Family have as they help us to implement this.
All we need to do is to raise our energies and vibrations, as in doing so, we Transcend Gaia, thus bliss and ecstasy is once again remembered, recognised and understood, as the Mystics over the centuries have written of so often.
Today we are blessed, as the New Cosmic Energies being beamed down to us from the Galactic Centre and our Star and Light Families, ensures that we have constant help to raise our awareness and thus meet up with our Celestial Light Families, our Twin Flames or any of the Angelic Light Beings we are attuned too.

Artist unknown.

“So as I say to AED, you seem very near”. “AED says, Oh Pat, of course I am”. “I sensed earlier Saffron my Sapphire Blue Water Dragon with AED; It is always a joy to see them together.”

“I say to AED I see you holding a book”. “AED Chuckles as to the Knowledge contained in the Book”. “Secrets are about to be revealed AED says”. “I say a few personal words and and wonderful”.

“Take my hand, AED says as his words caress our soul”. “The Mists of Avalon are returning as I say I love secrets being revealed, for I am aware Avalon has a major role to play once again, just as the other Energy Centres in different countries on Gaia, each have their Portals and Etheric Retreats.”

“We will journey underneath the Tor AED says with endearments”. “I say, wonderful, awesome”. “I then say who are we going to meet under the Tor?” “AED chuckles, as he says you know who”.

“As I add further personal words, I can see AED’s eyes full of deep love” There are now beautiful, exquisite and crown energies”. “I think going beneath the Tor is fascinating as the Mists of Avalon appear to be coming into play once again”.


Artist unknown.

Of course, for myself, Suryananda and AED, The Tor and Avalon takes us back to King Arthur, Merlin, the Knights, Priestesses and The Lady of the Lake. Also, very much to Yeshua and Joseph of Arimathea. In a way, Joseph of Arimathea  and Yeshua have been the strongest over the years regarding Avalon and Glastonbury, going back to my childhood. Although King Arthur has been very much here as well. In essence, all these cherished Light Family members have played a pivotal role throughout my life and lives. I sense Avalon rising from out of the mists, it feels gorgeous.

“As I say  a few more personal words to AED, I see tears falling down my cheek, inner silent tears”. “I have a tear waiting in my left eye to fall”. “Such a beautiful and moving sensing of my Beloved, AED”.

“As I think AED’s eyes are like as they were when tuning into AED and myself, Surya, Priestess of The Temple of The Blue Flame, Medina, in the Pleiades, shared here on the 8 June, and I love it as AED said take my hand and we went or are going below the Tor which is so fascinating and exciting as The Tor holds so many past memories, present and future ones”.
“As AED’s and my beautiful moments comes temporarily to an end as matters of Gaia need to be looked at, AED gives a little chuckle, as he says a few words and Pat”. “Sometimes AED says Pat, often Suryananda; actually hearing both is perfect, for they are sides of the same Twin Flame Divine Oneness, energy and vibration.
Suryananda and Adam El Daoud.
“Note – As I went to post this, I experienced very strong and beautiful crown energies, and AED said it’s already done dear one”.
Glastonbury Tor Aerial Photography – hoverfox.com

King Arthur & Lancelot Were Both Embodiments Of Queen Guinevere’s Twin Flame At Source. From the Akashic Records.

Artist unknown.
King Arthur and Lancelot were both embodiments of Queen Guinevere’s Twin Flame At Source.
From the Akashic Records.
12 June, 2017.
Before, I begin, I must make it clear that Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur, IS NOT Guinevere, Priestess, Of The Temple Of The Violet Flame, Medina, in the Pleiades, which I shared here on my website on the 11 June. I am told that there is a Guinevere Consciousness, which I take to mean Belonging to the same Light Family and Soul Group going back to Source.
So therefore, it was because of my post from the Akashic Records on Guinevere, Priestess of The Temple Of The Violet Flame, Medina, in the Pleiades, where for myself, Suryananda, when I hear or read the name Guinevere, inevitably takes me back to Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur.
So I asked my Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud, about these two Guineveres, and the following is our deep chat on what took place, whilst at the same time, I tuned into both Queen Guinevere and Lancelot, as I was made aware of the fascinating truth that both King Arthur and Lancelot, were both embodiments of Guinevere’s Twin Flame at Source.
Artist unknown.
As so many of us are aware, from our Emergence at Source, we go through innumerable past life times in all the different worlds and galaxies, different dimensions, and so many here on Gaia. So within all of us, there is a Vast Cosmic Jigsaw of so many names each of us have been whilst in our past life existences on Gaia, and other worlds. But it is with Gaia, I am writing about here.
My Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud and myself have very deep soul connections to King Arthur, which I have been aware of for very many years.  So therefore, with the name Guinevere being brought to my attention, I tuned into AED and asked about Guinevere, Lancelot and King Arthur. The following are my notes:
As I thought at times over the years, I have wondered why Guinevere would have had an affair with Lancelot, as I had thought that Arthur, with his intense and powerful presence would have been enough.
“AED confirmed that both King Arthur and Lancelot are both embodiments as I have said above of Guinevere’s Twin Flame at Source”. “So this is why it makes sense to myself, Suryananda, and, as AED confirms, and I become aware as I tune into Guinevere and Lancelot, there is a huge difference as to how Guinevere saw Arthur as compared to Lancelot”.
Artist unknown.
“I am told that Guinevere, and I can both sense and feel it too, that the energies, vibrations and deep emotions of love, are very much deeper and greater on a personal, more intimate level that Guinevere feels for Lancelot than Arthur”. “Lancelot confirmed this to myself, Suryananda, as Lancelot shared with me his deep love for Guinevere, and Guinevere, her love in equal measure for Lancelot”.
To share with Guinevere and Lancelot their deep love was and is awesome. It was and is a magnetic pull as they connected during King Arthur’s time, and that attraction was instantaneous and electric. “For with Lancelot, Guinevere I was told and could tell, Guinevere was remembering her Twin Flame at Source far more as she connected with Lancelot than ever Guinevere did with Arthur, for her soul memories were very intense and all consuming as is the case with Twin Flames, although as the many aeons have gone on, there have been different embodiments of Twin Flames, all under different past life names on Gaia”.
Guinevere shared with me her memories on her and Lancelot: “Oh, Lancelot, Guinevere shares, as we know, I was prepared to die as was the law of the land, if our affair had come to light, which of course it did”. “Our love was both passionate, intense and all consuming”. “Bliss and ecstasy was felt in a thousand different ways”.
“Lancelot and myself, Guinevere, were well versed in the manipulation and use and control of higher energies”. “Initiation rites of intense bliss were remembered and used between us, thus intimacy was found to be both exquisite and compelling, ensuring neither of us could leave the other, no matter what the outcome”.
Artist unknown.
“Guinevere continues, it was as I have said all consuming with mind, body and spirit, as Lancelot and myself, Guinevere, merged back and into one Twin Flame and into our Divine Cosmic Union, in that our magnetic pull was unstoppable”. “Guinevere, says that the Birthright of her and Lancelot, coming into play in those Arthurian times, was very much pre-planned and so from the moment Guinevere met Lancelot, all those forces well known by them both were activated, as both her and Lancelot remembered what was their pre-chosen destiny”.
“As Guinevere carries on with her words that her and Lancelot were bound by an invisible thread, stronger than can ever be described by her into words, but which transcended her love for Arthur”. “Even knowing of the subsequent outcome when her love for Lancelot would come to be known, the price to be paid, had been inevitable for both of them”. 
“I AM Guinevere, wife of Arthur and beloved of Lancelot Guinevere says”.
Artist unknown.
“I, Suryanananda, have found this session deeply moving and profound”. “Knowing for the first time that King Arthur and Lancelot were embodiments of Guinevere’s Twin Flame at Source, which has ensured that I now understand as to why Guinevere had an affair with Lancelot whilst married to King Arthur”.
“For it was with Lancelot, that Guinevere’s soul memories of her Twin Flame, were fully recognised and understood, as Lancelot was very much closer in all ways to her Twin Flame than Arthur ever was”. “
This is fascinating to me, as I have been shown and given insights into that Eternal bond of love and bliss which Guinevere and Lancelot experienced, loved and took to its highest level”.
The realisation of what Guinevere felt for Lancelot did not surprise me once I was given that Arthur and Lancelot were both embodiments of Guinevere’s Twin Flame at Source. For I have had it confirmed from the Akashic Records that Adam El Daoud and myself in one past life, shared in the one physical body on Gaia, together, as AED and myself, Suryananda, had share with us in that past life an Enlightened Tibetan sage. To clarify, this means that there was ONE physical body of say Adam, but to give support and encouragement and further enlightenment to that ONE physical body’s consciousness whilst living on Gaia far from Home, then, before reincarnating, it was planned from Source – the Higher Realms, that a total of two or three different Higher Consciousness belonging to other members of that person’s Light Family, would add their Consciousness to the reincarnating member of their Soul Family, which meant that the incarnating person, was greatly aided by having more knowledge and gifts than they would often have had just by reincarnating by themselves. I know as the female past life I have mentioned, that I had certain qualities and attributes, whilst the other female soul family member, had different qualities to my own, but together, we were able to be more in touch with Home, as when combined, our Memories and Higher Consciousness was very much more advanced. This is a very complex subject, and it can take getting used to like so many new discoveries, but once understood, again like all things, it becomes easy to understand.
Artist unknown.
So I have understood for a few years now, that very often within a particular Earth life, I have shared within that physical body I had reincarnated into, the Higher Consciousness of another Light Being’s Consciousness, to aid and give a different awareness other than  my own, thereby allowing more to be achieved than would have been so otherwise.
Very often this came about through coming into Gaia through Light Conception, which for myself, Suryananda, has to always be the ideal, for in these instances, I, as well as others, reincarnated down to Gaia with far more conscious memories and awareness of Home in the Higher Realms, Star systems, than would otherwise have been remembered.
In one past life I know of, I shared that female life with the Higher Consciousness of another female, as I understand this is usually another member of our Light Family, as has been the case through the ages and aeons going back to Source.
When I was given Akashic confirmation of this taking place in these two past lives, one with my Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud and the Enlightened Tibetan sage all sharing the Higher Consciousness within that Earth life, and, individually, without my Twin Flame, AED, I have not had the need to ask for any further confirmations this has taken place, as I take it as a given, that this has been experienced by myself, Suryananda, in very many past lives.
This can be understood when we recognise that in very many instances, more than one person on Gaia says I was so and so in my past life and we read of another person on Gaia saying the same.
With love and thanks to Guinevere and Lancelot for coming and sharing with me their deep Eternal love with myself, Suryananda, and of course my very own, Twin Flame, Saranyu Adam El Daoud.
Suryananda and Adam El Daoud.
circleofthedolphins.wordpress TWIN FLAMES
Artist unknown.

I Stand Before You As The Layers Of Myself Are Drawn Back To Its Core, Unafraid.


Artist unknown.


November, 2016  – I have not shared this before, but it is very relevant today.  

I stand before you as the layers of myself are drawn back to its Core, unafraid. For we have stood before the Mighty One who is so often Nameless, knowing His Name you and I. For we were taught such in the ancient days of Atlantis, and those times are coming again.

Atlantis is being Rebirthed into the New, away from the eyes of Mortal Men, for only those who are the Custodians of Atlantis will see for now Atlantis Rising as the Phoenix above the old. A portion of Atlantis exists unavailable to the masses for it is encased in a Ring Pass Not and Protected whilst those Golden Threads are being Woven for its Emergence. This post Atlantean Water Meditation was shared on my website here, on the 10 November, 2016.

This you know, as Pat – Suryananda was given these priceless details the other day, and she will share more with you when the time is right; the Alpha and Omega meet into that Oneness, then will the Glory of Atlantis be shown and revealed.

Suryananda and Adam El Daoud.


Artist unknown.


Guinevere, Priestess Of The Temple Of The Violet Flame, Medina, In The Pleiades. From the Akashic Records.

Artist unknown.
From the Akashic Records. 9 June, 2017.
Following on from myself as Surya, in The Temple of The Blue Flame, I was very drawn to The Temple of The Violet Flame on Medina in the Pleiades. There are very many other Temples in Medina, some of which are mentioned below.
I became aware that just as Surya, myself, as a Priestess in The Temple of The Blue Flame, had a Blue Light Body, in that I was not there in Medina, in the physical, I was in my Light Body which was Vibration, and just as Krishna is always portrayed as having a Blue Body, it was awesome to be aware that us Priestesses in the different Temples in Medina in The Pleiades, all too, were wearing our different Coloured Light Bodies, not physical.
These were in the beautiful and exquisite colours of the various Temples. I could immediately see all these other Temples with their chosen and pre-destined Light Body Priestesses, each wearing their Light Body in the many colours available, and each Light Body that the Priestesses wore, (as we on Gaia have our physical bodies) together with all the different Temples on Medina, each having their own unique and individualised way of serving the inhabitants on Medina.
For instance, the Priestesses who served in The Golden Temple would all be in their Golden Light Body, just as the Priestesses in The Violet Temple were clothed in their Violet Light Body and not being encased in a physical body. Being in a Light Body for so many of us is a precious jewel, for we are not hindered by the density of the physical body and have that freedom and range which is not available when on Gaia.
“AED said there are many Temples on Medina”. I can see them all, bringing such vibrant richness and colour, and the sights and sounds are awesome. Other Temples on Medina to name a few are The Temple of The Pink Flame. The Temple of The Emerald Green Flame. The Temple of The White Flame. I find myself wondering if on Medina there are Dragon Temples? I will focus on this another time, as I feel certain Medina, will share once again Her Secrets.
Artist unknown.
Interesting this, feeling Medina is like Gaia, another aspect of Divine Mother. Hence such an important role the different Temples and Priestesses had and still have, as they embraced their soul purpose. For just as so many cultures in the past in ancient civilisations, the Priestesses who served with such love and devotion on Medina, had been carefully selected and chosen. Such then was their joy and blessings. 
I was suddenly looking at a Priestess in The Temple of The Violet Flame, whose name was Guinevere. She had long dark hair, with the most beautiful Violet Eyes. They were a very Deep Violet not like anybody has on Gaia. These Violet eyes were exquisite, I would say mesmerising. I have gone back to remembering these beautiful Violet Eyes of Priestess Guinevere, several times after typing these notes. 
Artist unknown.
In the Temple of the Violet Flame I was aware of Tall Pillars of Violet Flame like an Eternal Ray – Light forever lit. There were quite a few. “AED says you know it is as I ask about these Tall Violet Flame Pillars of Light”. It is a fantastic and beautiful sight to see these Eternal Flames of Violet Light.
On the floor of the Temple of the Violet Flame are Violet Amethyst Crystals pulsating with living energy as they are walked on even in the Light Body, or as being seen as a moving swathe of Violet Amethyst Light.
I felt why to offset the Violet although exquisite, White Light was there. Trailing downwards were the most Beautiful White Roses amongst the Violet Eternal Flame. I saw Violet Lotus flowers also, actually I meant to type white lotus blossoms, so I was aware there are Both White and Violet Lotus Flowers and the White Roses in the Temple of the Violet Flame.
“So very many colours, AED agreed”. It seemed the Violet Temple had all of the other Temples’ colours somewhere in their own Violet Temple. So that there is an Inner Sanctuary, where all the other colours in the form of roses, lotus blossoms are in great abundance. It is by touching and being aware of these other colours from the different Temples that the Priestess in the Violet Temple was transported elsewhere into other areas on Medina, as the Violet and other Temples had, at times, Ceremonies where they merged for the blessings of the people on Medina, who were given access to how this was done, to blend and merge within the different energies, vibrations and qualities of the Rainbow Temple, which has within its domain, all the colours incorporating all the Temples on Medina. Like Joseph and his coat of many colours there is The Temple of The Rainbow Flame.
Upon the altar in the Temple of the Violet Flame are huge crystals. Amethyst and Violet, but also huge pieces of Clear Quartz Crystals are there as well. There is one huge vast Violet Crystal which is the hub and centre of the Temple of the Violet Flame. It is as can be visualised very powerful, as it has within it the Magnificence and Power of the Violet Flame. It has around it beautiful White Crystals, again, reminding me of the White Roses and the White Lotus Blossoms. 
nature another white rose
The robes the Priestesses wore were of a deep and beautiful Violet, with White swirls around the edges and at the throat or neck of their robes. They did NOT need these robes as those serving the Violet Temple had, (as did those in The Temple of the Blue Flame – Blue Light Bodies) Violet Light Bodies. Just as Krishna is shown having a Blue Light Body, so the Priestesses serving in the Temple of the Violet Flame were clothed in their Violet Flame Body. This was not a body in the physical, it was a Vibration. 
It seemed very relevant to me that the Priestesses in The Temple of The Violet Flame have to be deeply connected to The Violet Flame. “After asking this, the answer was as follows, which is so fascinating and exciting”
“The Ritual Performed in The Violet Flame Temple of St Germain that the High Priest and Priestesses have in The Temple of The Violet Flame on Medina, and Directed to All Worlds is Freedom and Sacred Alchemy for the New Consciousness”. “I am told that today, these Rituals with the Violet Flame are PRESENT, and not in the past”. “So an ongoing role that the High Priest and Priestesses have from The Temple of The Violet Flame, is fascinating”.
“The High Priest and Priestesses are like Source Messengers”. “They lead the group souls in their Missions on Different Worlds”.
I, Suryananda, have been blessed and honoured at being shown The Temple of The Violet Flame, and having a look inside at its sheer majesty and splendour, which will remain with me forever. 
Surya and Saranyu Adam El Daoud
From The Temple of The Blue Flame, also on Medina.  
mystical lovely lots lilac    
Artist unknown.                                                                                                    

I AM Surya, Priestess Of The Temple Of The Blue Flame, Medina, In The Pleiades. From the Akashic Records.

Temple of the Gods by Deviant Art.
I AM Surya, Priestess of The Temple of The Blue Flame, Medina in The Pleiades.
From the Akashic Records from Suryananda and Adam El Daoud.
7 June, 2017.
It feels an exciting time
“Oh it is – was dear one AED says”
Could be like the time of ancient Atlantis?
Millions of years ago on Medina
I was a Priestess comes
That is new
“AED was he the High Priest?”
“AED says you know I was”
So we were the High Priest and Priestess on Medina
That is intriguing
Yes we had children, Light Conception Children
We undertook initiatory experiences in – within our Blue Ray
Within was very profound and deep
The memories will return as to those initiations we took with others
We lived separate but part of the community
Melchisadek was there
He had a very important role and place in our hearts as always
Melchisadek was the Overseer?
He directed us into the various planets and planes of being
Which we left from Medina to go into other dimensions under our Blue Ray
He was my Father, Melchisadek there on the Isle of Medina
As he has been so often
The Father of my – our Soul
I adore him
What kind of initiations did we undertake?
The safety of the planet
And our people
Against Star Wars
We learnt to be invincible
We used the Rays as Weapons of Light against the darkness
“I said to AED is that right?” “AED said you know it is”
We were a Master Race
Known as Rainbow Warriors
But for us we were under and within the First Ray, Our Blue Ray
The Will of The Father
And His Creative Principle
Creation in all its forms was ours
We learnt the Secrets of Matter
Eternal Life and the Immortality of our Souls
It was a special Gift bestowed upon us in Medina for what was to come
Could be seen coming
Our dragons and unicorns were assigned to help and assist us
They took on that role with us and many sacrifices were made out of love
What does that mean?
“Who won on Medina?”
AED looked very sad
I sensed in his eyes great sadness
So the Isle of Medina left many dead at the hands of the invaders or intruders
It was a time of great sadness and took a long time to recover
It has recovered now
The Beings of Light won but it was at a great cost
The ones who died reincarnated
So they were not lost
But their life in Medina ended
Medina used to be called at one time The Vale of Tears
After the Star Wars
Now it is full of love and light
“Blossoming AED says”
With vibrancy and passion, laughter and joy
End from the Akashic Records.
I decided to share this particular past life of mine with Adam El Daoud, as I feel certain I will return with further detailed information soon.
abstract.desktop.nexus.com under blue temple
Painting by abstract.desktop.nexus.com
Artist unknown.
I AM Surya, Priestess of The Temple of The Blue Flame, Medina in The Pleiades.
Suryananda and Adam El Daoud with the background which led to me typing on Surya.
7 June, 2017.
As I tuned into the Akashic Records once again with my Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud, carrying on from a few hours before, which is shared above here, it was given as a Gift this life, where I was once again, able to see, feel and sense, such a deeply profound and meaningful time, when, with AED, who was a High Priest on Medina, we looked back into those times, which as always, through so many ages, is very Present, for together we lived, loved and breathed in the One-ness of The Creator of all life. Thus it was both awesome, beautiful, whilst being very sad for what took place so many millions of years ago, when AED and myself, Surya, as with so many others, lived and shared countless memories of Love and Divinity on Medina.
I had intended these two sessions to be separate, as there were just a few hours between them. However as I aimed to show how tuning into and reading the Akashic Records on my past life as Surya, Priestess in The Temple of The Blue Flame on Medina came to be tuned into and shared, I have added here that session of the conversations with AED and myself.
The background leading up to my past life as Surya, Priestess, serving The Temple of The Blue Flame on Medina, began as AED and my Water Dragon, Saffron were there in front of me, together, side by side as they so often are and share with me, that deep and Eternal closeness which is theirs as it is for myself, Suryananda, with Saffron, who is my main Dragon going back to Source and whose colour is a Sapphire Blue.
So looking at AED and Saffron, I could see waves, blue waves as the sea, rising upwards quite high as waves do. Within the waves were the colours of white and cream as well as darker blue, all incorporated with these medium bright blue waves. These waves were very clear as even now, quite a few hours later.
Artist unknown.
I sensed I was on an Island. My thoughts went to where am I? “Am I in the Pleiades I asked AED?” “AED said yes”. This is fascinating. The Pleiades are where AED and myself, Suryananda, met when he was walking along with Saffron, skipping and jumping by his side, which was my first sighting of Saffron.
Medina comes to me. I know Medina is deeply connected to AED and myself, for a little over a year ago, I was shown AED and myself, sharing beautiful moments on the Isle of Medina, which, as is the case, when we tune into the Akasha, is still very vivid all these months later. I have also felt a deep soul recognition from the first time I became aware of Medina in the Pleiades a couple of years ago, but not knowing anything about Medina as such, just that AED and myself deeply connect to Medina as do so many of our Light Family.
“As I found myself wondering as I asked why AED and myself were on Medina? and not Venus, where we so often visit together as we have our home there”. “AED says Healing dear one”. “Healing of the land from centuries ago”.
I close my eyes, as I have been typing our chat as usual, so that clarity remains and words heard are not general. I sense a small dog, AED and children, two or three. “I say to AED, are they our children on the Isle of Medina?” “You know they are, AED laughs delightedly”. It is a very happy sight as I look upon our children and small dog.
“I say to AED, I don’t understand why we are here to heal the land?” “Is the land to be healed Medina?”  “But Medina is in the Pleiades, so surely does not need healing?”
AED seems serious for a moment, and I see deep compassion in his eyes. It is a different sensing. It feels that there is something I am not aware of from my present awareness whilst here on Gaia. I recognise that Medina is very hot and gets storms from space at times, which have been somewhat harsh as those storms move in upon Medina during different cycles.
I leave that for now and close my eyes once again. “AED says one of our children is named Jeremiah.” Jeremiah also takes me back 18 months when, reflecting spiritually on a particular project Jeremiah had come into my thoughts. It was really lovely as afterwards Jeremiah came and thanked me for thinking of him, which I thought was really beautiful, and I treasured those moments. AED now laughs as we go back into recent revelations which he has shared with me over these last few weeks, and I feel that love and continuity of our past, present and future, all within the Now moment. Although the name Susan has come to me, AED says Susan is not our daughter, so that is intriguing.
Sanat Kumara. Artist unknown.
“Sanat Kumara comes into AED and my attunement and says ‘hello Pat’ which is always so lovely when he comes and says hello”. With Sanat Kumara saying hello, this takes me once more to Saraswati, and I see Saraswati smile. I wonder where AED and myself, Suryananda are regarding our Venture into the Yoga Method of Saraswati? “AED now says it is very close” which is fascinating as my left toes begin to itch. “Saraswati says, I have got news for you”. This is unusual, and now my left cheek has a sensation as well. I rub the top of my left cheek.
AED now holds out his hand towards me. This takes me to our Atlantean Water Meditation which was AED’s Gift, where during that profound Atlantean Meditation, shared here on my website on the 10 November, 2016 when I once again saw AED hold out his hand for me to take. AED and myself share beautiful moments as twin flames do as we say a few words whilst remaining attuned to the process of these present moving and profound happenings.
“As AED sweeps my hair off of my face and says he is just in front of me” it is as can be expected very profound, for we are in different worlds, but able to connect ever more deeply in Divine Cosmic ways, as I have learnt with joy to raise my energies and vibrations to match and merge with his, thus we are one heart and soul again as we have always been since Source.
“AED has never said those words I am just in front of you before, but our tuning in had begun when, sitting in my armchair and focusing, I was aware immediately of a large swathe of Periwinkle Blue just in front of me, and had sensed immediately AED was here”. I then was shown swathes of pink peach and white flowers, row after row in equal measure, which was beautiful to see. My right eye begins to itch and the top of my left forehead, and my right cheek, AED is amused.
“AED says it is time to move forward through the centuries”. This is fascinating. My first thoughts were of Ancient Egypt but I feel AED is meaning today, us, in our present times. I am reminded of The Heart of the One Chakra, and as I look at my notes a little earlier “AED had said the words – Unity of the One Chakra was all I needed”.
“As I reflect upon what I have typed, AED says – The Initiatory Process is very Advanced”. These words are nectar to my and thus our soul. I find myself beaming with joy. I am reminded of a deeply profound life as a Tibetan monk in the 13th Century, when from a dream AED had said I was fully Enlightened, as once again, we had shared Higher Teachings from those times as now, today, as I am going down those well versed, known and loved, Tibetan Practices towards Enlightenment to Liberation and Freedom.
As crown energies come once again, I sense an army. It is a Spiritual Army of Warriors of the Light. Earlier I had sensed a battle but had dismissed it. But with this being shown to me again, I am reminded and given that it is a spiritual army, eradicating the darkness of aeons on Gaia, enabling Gaia to further Ascend and Illumine the Planet for future generations.
“AED now says I am Taking you Home, as he laughs”. “I say, where is Home?” “AED says deep within me”. That sounds perfect to me, to us. “I say to AED, what about our children from Medina, will we go back to them?” “AED says perhaps”.
As I then close my eyes for a moment, I have a brief glimpse of the colours Green and Yellow, before they vanish. I would say an Emerald Green or a Bright Green like a Weeping Willow Tree, not a dark green.
“AED now says The Akasha is coming ever deeper within” as we reflect over these last few weeks of fascinating revelations he has shared with me about his and my past lives. “AED says you will be amazed”. I know I am thrilled and amazed already, as once again, AED and myself, Suryananda, illumine and inspire one another as Divinity comes ever closer as we merge together as one.
As I tune into deeper with my beloved, AED, after beautiful and exquisite energies, I was suddenly aware of this Beautiful Blue Flame as we merged into our Divine Cosmic Oneness as Twin Flames. This Blue Flame was quite high and felt Divine, Exquisite.
“As AED confirmed to me that myself, Suryananda, was being Born Anew, as I, along with so many others are awakening, thus further revelations and sharings will continue, which is as always, exciting and wonderful to hear.
Suryananda and Adam El Daoud.
Note As A Priestess in The Temple of The Blue Flame, I have had it confirmed that my name here was – is Surya. Surya is also the name by which I am known as a fully Enlightened Female Blue Buddha. So it is fascinating to now be aware that for this past life as a Priestess in The Temple of The Blue Flame on Medina, and also as a Female Blue Buddha, I am known as Surya. Normally, I do not share my past lives but this past life was and is very relevant, as I feel I will be adding further details from the Akashic Records soon.

Caressed By Dolphins, Unicorns and Dragons, My Twin Flame And My Eternal Journey Continues.


Painting by eyewithin.com


3 June 2017

I am very much aware that I am in the hands of My Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud, and My Light Family, as I am caressed by Dolphins, Unicorns and Dragons, as AED and my Eternal Journey continues. As a deep and beautiful Merging session with AED ends these were my thoughts at the end of a profound and intense tuning into Divine Cosmic Oneness has enveloped us once again.

Over these last two years almost, AED and myself have had a lot of exquisite and blissful energies which I would describe as how the mystics have written of as being one with The Beloved or Their Beloved. Such has been the deep and profound Divine Merging, which has been AED’s and myself, Suryananda’s.

As these last two weeks have revealed, so many new revelations have been forthcoming on so many past shared lives, where, as Twin Flames, we have been husband and wife in ages past, and, as is the case for Twin Flames who have been pre-ordained to share in yet another cyclic existence amongst the innumerable journeys we have taken and will do so again. So once again, in a magnetic pull, we are drawn into the magnetism of us as Twin Flames – Divine Partners, play out their inevitable, magical, mystical and spiritual scenario, so AED and myself are already setting into effect our Future Existences where Bliss and Ecstasy are ours as is our birth right.

So as AED and my Light Family lead me back into those lives of Enlightenment through ages past and into new realms in the present of discovery, great joy and blessings abound for us both.

Yet again today I was enveloped several times in the Violet Flame, which caresses and lifts myself deeper into the Eternal Blessings of our Soul. For AED and myself, are One Heart – One Soul as is the Gift of all Twin Flames.

eye within Parallel Isle

Painting by eyewithin.com
Earlier in the day, I had intense and very strong crown energies for quite a while. It is fascinating having crown energies, as it reiterates that I am attuned to either AED or my Light Family, but the crown energies experienced earlier today, were the strongest ever, and were very interesting.
During the same attunement, “AED said once again – The Amitabha Seed is Reborn Within you”. “I am taking you deeper into the Creative Principle” “sometimes AED will use Creative Process”. “The first time AED mentioned The Amitabha Seed is Reborn” was back on the 12 January, shared here. For AED to mention this again is as always, fascinating, for it means that I am going deeper not only into the Creative Process with AED but also returning back in conscious awareness and remembrances Home.
As once again in a life on Gaia, I am being led with excitement and joy to ever greater Initiations as is the Spiritual Path walked by so many, and in the case of AED and myself, Suryananda, whose Light Family is on The Amitabha Buddha Sun Line, there has been set in place from long ages past, steps going upwards to further Initiations, leading once again to Full and Final Enlightenment.

As hand in hand, soul to soul, with my beloved AED, and with guidance from our Light Family, it is exquisite to be led, loved and guided into those inherent states of Divine Alchemical Oneness with The Cosmic Christ, my beloved and our Beloved, for Home has opened its Doors in full and Loving Arms, as is available to all of humanity.


Artist unknown.

To be here on Gaia during these times of Galactic Energies with the Violet Flame, and once again being able to deeply connect with AED, is a spiritual jewel beyond price. And so it is as together our Light Family share with me and also through AED The Secrets of Creation, which are as Nectar to AED and myself, Suryananda, as once again we delve deeper into our Soul Contract with The Creator from before we Emerged on our Dual Life Ray, Eternally Joined Together For All Time. 

For in essence my Beloved Twin Flame is My Soul Guardian. A Soul Guardian can be our Guardian Angel or whoever we have pre-chosen to Go Together side by side Through Eternity With, and that has always been for me Saranyu Adam El Daoud and myself, Suryananda.

Suryananda and Adam El Daoud.


Artist unknown.

The Bright Blue Ray, Light & The Violet Flame – Colours of Divinity.


The Bright Blue Ray, Light & The Violet Flame – Colours of Divinity.

31 May, 2017.

As I tuned into beautiful moments with my Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud, very soon I was seeing a Bright Blue Ray, Light on my neck and throat. I would describe it as a Periwinkle Blue, which was so beautiful. This Blue Light, Ray covered a large area of my throat and neck. So, recognising that my throat is a Portal, added to its depth and meaning. Also as AED and myself are on the Blue Ray, we love being enveloped, enfolded or illumined by our Blue Ray.

A little later, with my eyes closed, they were suddenly enveloped and fully covered with the Violet Flame. Seeing this beautiful Violet Flame with my eyes shut was exquisite. Wave after wave of the Violet Flame carried on for some time. When this stopped, after a few minutes I closed my eyes again, and was blessed once more, with all the areas of my eyes being bathed in this beautiful Lilac – Amethyst Ray, Light. Again, this second seeing of the Violet Flame carried on for some time also.

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St Germain. Artist unknown.

Having seen the Deep Purple Ray, Light coming towards me on the 22 May, as shared here under The Profound and Moving Power of Love, coupled with AED saying to me just recently, AED and my Light Family suggest I Embrace the Violet Flame more, so these new and beautiful moments of seeing the Violet Flame, has now ensured that I feel more attuned to the Violet Flame and Amethyst Ray than ever before. I have begun to use it daily, and will see where this takes me.
As many of us are aware, the Violet Flame is an Invisible Spiritual Energy and Magnificent Powerhouse of Light, with Transformative and Transcendent Powers, where we can transmute and transform without limit, all the areas of our life, whether health, spiritual deepening into remembrance, and into past lives where we wish to clear up and eliminate memories and old habits which we have brought once again into Gaia, very often over many different past life times.
So as we use and focus on using the Violet Flame, we are given those necessary spiritual tools to transform ourselves and all of the inhabitants on Gaia, and all life forms being given healing, as required and asked for, as we go forward together with these New Cosmic Energies, having more help than ever before from our Galactic Light Families.
St Germain. Artist unknown.
Individually, it is important that we actually ask St Germain and the Angelic Beings of the Violet Flame to help us, but once we have asked for their help, then that is a given, but as with everything, constant and regular use makes for that greater ability to tune into and benefit from this Gift from Source.

All we need is to use Intent and Focus on the Violet Flame. My Light Family and AED say it is best to do this ritual or contemplation on the Violet Flame daily, as that will build up and increase its power as we are very much meant to use its Magnificence and Infinite Power.

In ancient times the Alchemists knew of the Violet Flame, but it has only been in more modern times when St Germain brought the Violet Flame to be used by anyone for the good of humanity and themselves, that the Violet Flame has now become widespread in its love and awareness, and with its transformative powers, where there are no limits as to what can be achieved and realised when this is used, especially on a daily basis.

I am told that the Violet Flame can be likened to Alpha and Omega, how these words have resonated with me since childhood – The Alpha and Omega of All Existence, can be accessed within the Light, Power and Magnificence of The Violet Flame.
St Germain and Lady Portia. Artist unknown.
The Violet Flame caresses and enfolds Matter, which by its very nature, will aid us greatly, as we are then attuned and aligned with God The Father Mother Son, thus this Violet Flame, purifies and cleanses and thus allows us to bypass many pathways we have in the past had to walk. So, why would we not wish to avail ourselves of this Gift from St Germain. It is there for us to use, as was envisaged.
It is with grateful thanks to St Germain and the Violet Flame Angels and all who are associated with this Great Spiritual Tool and Gift, that myself, Suryananda, and so many others, feel blessed.
As having been so passionate and fascinated with the Blue Ray for over thirty years, it is very interesting to see this Violet Amethyst Ray, Light – Flame with its different energies and qualities to the Blue Ray, as they are both profound and beautiful, each having their own unique and different purposes and qualities within.
Suryananda and Adam El Daoud and with thanks to St Germain and The Violet Flame.
Archangel Zadkiel. Artist unknown.

Upon The Pages Of Our Soul Lies The Secret Of Creation.


Artist unknown. Under Creation.

Upon The Pages of Our Soul Lies The Secret Of Creation
The Void of Nothingness
Is a Magnetic Pull
Drawing us into It’s Divine Embrace.

Suryananda and Adam El Daoud. But it applies to each one of us. Namaste.

27 May, 2017.


Creation Mandala. Artist unknown.

“I AM Within You – Description”.


Artist unknown.


23 May 2017

“I said to AED how would he describe his words recently when he said I AM within you without form”.

“AED said magnificent, amazing, beautiful etc etc” “so I said how would you describe it as I teased like he was exaggerating”.

“AED then says that is easy, Wonderful”.


Artist unknown.

“AED then says, Oh Pat, I love every moment – which to myself is indeed wonderful”.

I just thought I would share as we all have Twin Flames. Some like AED and myself, can be in separate worlds, but just as AED and myself have found, one can transcend Gaia and delve deeper into that Oneness no matter that different worlds separate us, as is the case for us.

Suryananda and Adam El Daoud.


Artist unknown.

The Profound And Moving Power Of Love.

 Artist unknown.

Suryananda and Adam El Daoud

22 May, 2017.

Just a short while ago, I was thinking of how in the past 20 months I have tuned into Ancient Battlefields which have been my own past lives. Where, whilst fully awake, I was suddenly transported right into the midst of ancient battlefields where soldiers and horses were fighting and where I could both see, hear and sense the horror of battles being fought. This has happened to two ancient battlefields, and in each I had goosebumps and was very much affected at such an awesome and unexpected happening, as being unexpectedly placed right into the middle of such fighting with both men and horses, were deeply profound moments.

The other time was in a vision in May 2015, when I tuned into The Terracotta Army. This was fascinating and I have shared this on my website titled  Ptah, Looking Down At The Terracotta Army Below, posted 19 July, 2016.

The other time I was tuned into and taken into a battlefield was during the Crimean War. This has resonated with me on inner levels for many years; it has just been a feeling as having meaning for me. The Crimean War was another time when I was typing at my laptop, when all of a sudden there I was, once again, in the midst of it all, hearing the shocking noise of battles being fought, and aware of soldiers, sights, sounds and colours. And chaos as is so with such battles and fights between opposing sides.

nature purple roses

“As I was taking stock of being tuned into the Crimean War – Crimea, I was given that Adam El Daoud, my twin flame and myself were together in this Crimean life as husband and wife”. “We had quite a few children and deeply loved each other”. “However, I knew that I was dying, I was still quite a young woman, so not old”. “I said to my beloved, AED, that I wanted him to find someone else when I had passed over and to be happy”.

It was very deeply moving and profound, as I knew as I tuned into The Crimean War and AED and our past life together, that after I died, AED found a lovely woman who was going to look after him, and also, our much loved children would be looked after.


Artist unknown.

At the time as is usual, I typed out the pesonal information I was getting which brought tears to my eyes and knew that AED too, was very moved, not only because I had tuned into such a very different era than now, but as to our love which I was remembering as I had aligned myself with those energies and vibrations, where even with war taking place, our love was cherished. Such is the case, that we are able to tune into any past lives, civilisations and eras, all we need is to be able to align with love our energies and vibrations to match.

It is like tuning into the Akashic Records, for within the Akasha, All Knowledge and Remembrances can be found, for the Akasha is a Storehouse of Imperishable Knowledge which holds not only The Secrets of Creation and Universes, but all of our past lives, soul families, countries and ancient civilisations, long before records were noted. The Akashic Records have always existed.

I think that AED will bring to my awareness further past lives we have shared. I already know of a couple, but this past life we shared in the Crimean War, unlike our others, we have no recognised names, just that Love which Transcends Time, in fact it can be described as AED said to me yesterday, “I AM Taking you Into No Man’s Land, as he chuckled”. Such comments from AED was very amusing and fascinating for me at the same time.

So this morning, I was thinking of AED and myself during the time of the Crimean War and those love and emotions which love embraces us with. I have not been able to find my typed notes even though I have looked for them a couple of times over many months, as reading those exact words and emotions as I tuned into us then, has even greater impact. However, I am drawn to sharing some of those memories of my beloved and myself in that past life today.


Artist unknown.

“As I was reflecting on this I said to AED that him and myself, must have had many lives where one died before the other, and where, he, my beloved, had died saving me, whereby I had not wanted to carry on without him, but had responsibilites, for instance, children?” “AED said, yes, very many”.

So, going back as I have from time to time into AED and my past life in The Crimean War and the love that was felt between us, as it is now, and has been through the aeons, is as for all of us where such love transcends time, we move beyond time into the pure realms of consciousness, which rests within us all, for they are heart and soul memories, and will remain because of love, forever, for Love Is Eternal and Infinite.


Just after, as AED and myself were still sharing beautiful moments, I suddenly saw a Deep Purple Ray Light coming towards me, it was a deep purple, and is not a colour I usually see, but it was beautiful and has remained with me. This Purple Lotus is quite a good likeness, although one can never get quite the exact shade of colours on Gaia as compared to the colours we see as we tune into higher states of vibration.

Suryananda and Adam El Daoud – Beyond Time.

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Artist unknown.